About the therapist:
Dr.Grace (Qi) Hu holds a doctor's degree in Acupuncture and Moxibustion from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. She also holds an international certificate in acupuncture for cancer treatment. She has special expertise in treating the physical symptoms of trauma. She is a member of ZHONG (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde). The acupuncture treatment she performed will be reimbursed by most of the Dutch medical insurance.
Opening Hours:
Monday to Saturday: 10:00 — 17:00
Address: van Houtenstraat 26, 3601 XH, Maarssen (Always Free Parking!)
Phone: 06-55687838
E-mail: grace7838@gmail.com
KVK-nummer: 71250921
Member of Zhong & KAB